Multiple Developer Environments – New Developer Plan

WOAH!!! Another awesome announcement from Microsoft. A few days ago the Power CAT team told us about some awesome changes to the Power Apps developer plan! This is awesome 😎 What’s new? In the latest version of the Power Apps developer plan, users are… READ MORE [
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WOAH!!! Another awesome announcement from Microsoft. A few days ago the Power CAT team told us about some awesome changes to the Power Apps developer plan! This is awesome 😎

What’s new?

In the latest version of the Power Apps developer plan, users are able to take advantage of multiple developer environments! Woo!!!

You might be wondering how these environments are now created given normally you sign up for the plan and an environment gets provisioned in your tenant for you automatically… well… things are slightly different now!

With these latest updates, you’ll now be able to create developer environments from! Yes that is and not the Power Platform admin centre. You can make them in both, but this gives makers the ability to take advantage of this plan without having to go to an administrator.

Storage Allowances

Each of the environments included in a user’s developer plan provides 2GB of database storage specifically for the purposes of development, and testing.

You are able to conduct User Acceptance Testing using these environments, as the plan allows for sharing apps with other makers/users.

Why multiple environments?

You might be wondering, why would I need multiple environments? The purpose of this is to support developers in being able to use a simple application lifecycle management strategy of moving from something like development, to test and user acceptance testing. These environments however, are not permitted to be used in a production setting.

Find out more!

To learn more about the new developer plan for Power Apps, check out the video from the Power CAT team below! 🙂

(23) Dataverse Environments For Everyone – New Developer Plan – Power CAT Live – YouTube

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