June Round Up!

Hello community friends and heroes! 👋 💖 Thank you so much for dropping by on my blog, whether you’ve seen this link on socials and you’ve come for a round up of my month and activity in the community, or whether you’ve come from… READ MORE [https://lewisdoes.dev/blog/june-round-up]
June Round Up!
In: Low Code Lewis Content 🚀

Hello community friends and heroes! 👋 💖

Thank you so much for dropping by on my blog, whether you’ve seen this link on socials and you’ve come for a round up of my month and activity in the community, or whether you’ve come from another post! You’re awesome!

If you’re a regular visitor of my blog, and have been enjoying my content lately, please do subscribe and spread the word! I’d appreciate it a bunch! 🤗


A new challenge!

So this month I’ve embarked on a new challenge, learning to code! A thank you goes in the direction of my community friend Dona Sarkar for the homework which is proving hugely fun 😎

In the coming months I’ll be spending a bit of time every so often upskilling on C# and .NET 🙂

Feel free to comment down below with any pointers or good methods to start learning! 💖

Scottish Power Platform User Group

So this month I was lucky enough to be joined by Chris Huntingford to deliver a pretty cool session at the awesome Scottish Power Platform User Group on taking advantage of the wider Microsoft Cloud ecosystem, when building with low code.

An enormous thank you goes to the organisers of the event for having us! Thank you Stuart Baxter, Charlie Phipps and Keith Atherton! You’re absolute community heroes! Thank you! 🤩

Ecosystem Context Series

So! I’ve been continuing on with my series on taking advantage of the wider Microsoft Cloud Ecosystem using Microsoft Graph to deliver context with low code solutions providing better UX and impact such as time saving! This series has become something broader recently focusing on the wider topic of generalised ecosystem context, as opposed to it just being contextualised to the Microsoft Cloud. We’ve looked at different types of context and where they might sit in categories and more!

Whilst we have discussed the concept of ecosystem context on a broader scale to just the Microsoft Cloud, we’re continuing to look at the Microsoft Graph API in this series, but we’re taking into account the context we could use from other places and ecosystems to, especially in the current solution build that I’m doing on my blog, building a solution for students to plan revision and homework assignments, with context driven time saving tools! 🥰

Check it out below and make sure you’re subscribed to get the upcoming posts in the series!

Written by
Lewis Baybutt
Microsoft Business Applications MVP • Power Platform Consultant • Blogger • Community Contributor • #CommunityRocks • #SharingIsCaring
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