Awesome Low Code day with ANS

YES! Yes, I am sharing another post on ANS Group within a 2 week period. There’s so much to talk about! In this post I’ll do a quick recap on an awesome team day I was at today being the Low Code team day…. READ MORE []
Awesome Low Code day with ANS
In: Low Code Lewis Content 🚀

YES! Yes, I am sharing another post on ANS Group within a 2 week period. There’s so much to talk about! In this post I’ll do a quick recap on an awesome team day I was at today being the Low Code team day.

Starting at an awesome office in Manchester…

So starting the day off, everyone in the team arrived at Digital Gurus in Manchester who generously let us use their awesome space during the day! Thank you so much Digital Gurus! 🙂

After some snacks and drinks, we sat down to make introductions, discuss the superheroes we’d be and the talents we possessed!

Following a great talk from our Low Code Leads, Jason Earnshaw and Chris Huntingford on our vision for Low Code, we broke out into further discussions on smaller elements of the vision… which through discussion grew to be pretty beefy points of discussion! Cough cough double sided whiteboard filled Mr. H.

Challenges in Manchester

After some lunch and a review of what we discussed in our breakout sessions on the way’s we work, ANS’ vision for Low Code and more, we were onto some team challenges 👀

Using an app I had loads of fun making, we were grouped into Teams to go around Manchester taking selfies with different things we’d found to match the challenge we were presented with! It’s safe to say there were some submissions that gave a laugh and loads of fun had out with the teams.

A little break and out for the evening!

Following a bit of a break, we made our way over to a super cool golf place with a few bars. We had some awesome games of crazy golf with clubs that you tapped on the floor to register your go, resulting in your pretty whacky selfie appearing on the screen for people to laugh at…….

Some cocktails, and games later we made our way over to an awesome food place to eat at for the evening.

All in all, it was an awesome team day organised by ANS! An enormous thank you goes to Carly at ANS, Jason and Chris and everyone involved in organising the day. This was awesome!

Written by
Lewis Baybutt
Microsoft Business Applications MVP • Power Platform Consultant • Blogger • Community Contributor • #CommunityRocks • #SharingIsCaring
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