Hello community friends 👋
Today’s post is completely community based, and isn’t on a technical topic! I just have to share about the awesome day I’ve had at the D365PPUG UK event held at Microsoft TVP in Reading today!

Yes that is absolutely me being a MSFT fan at the Reading office for the first time…
AJ’s awesome extensions
The first session I attended today was simply mind blowing! AJ Zafar showed us some insane stuff with creating low code chrome extensions powered by simple canvas apps!
I’m not going to say too much about this because AJ is going to post some awesome content on this soon but make sure you’ve got your eyes peeled for some amazing chrome extensions content very soon. 😎

Direct reporting with form embedded Power BI reports from Laura G-B
I’m always a big fan of Laura’s sessions, and learnt something new yet again through her fantastic demo (yes, it wouldn’t be a Laura session without a demo 😉) on multiple things Power BI!
Laura showed us how to make Power BI datasets and reports solution aware which worked LOADS better than I expected it to! I was hesitating on looking at this new preview feature but it really is fab!
The next part continued to make me excited about Power BI fun Laura brought along with her for the day… we next learnt how to directly report on a record and related records using a GUID passed into a report embedded in a form using some magic JSON!
Laura is going to post about the magic JSON soon, so be on the look out!

Is Dynamics 365 CE dead yet?
The last session I attended prior to a pretty cool Q&A to finish up the day was one delivered by the awesome Chris Huntingford. Chris covered the ginormous topic of the Microsoft Cloud… how it was once the 3 clouds and how Dynamics 365 is in fact not dead yet!
This was yet another session that gave me LOADS of thoughts to come away with… and was also a great session to make you think on a thing or two… this one came with a need for an opinion… 😉
Thank you D365PPUG UK
A huge thank you goes to the sponsors and the organisers of the event today! Andrew Bibby and team you’re all awesome! Thank you!